Molecular Vision Research Cluster
The Molecular Vision Research Cluster (MVRC) consists of a group of independent research groups who combine their distinct areas of expertise to enable the integrative function of ocular tissues to be studied. The goal of the members of the MVRC is to reduce the onset and progression of age related eye diseases, with a particular focus on the lens pathologies; presbyopia and cataract, which are respectively the leading causes of refractive error and blindness in the world today.
News from our team
Congratulations to Gus who won the Cataract Research Award at the International conference of the lens in Hawaii this year!
This award is given by the NFER and is intended to honor "an emerging scientist who has made significant contributions to lens and cataract research, and who shows promise of developing into an international leader in the field". The award is presented every 2 years at the biennial International Conference on the Lens.
Congratulations Alyssa for winning the ARVO Foundation Research Catalyst Award! The Awards is intended for investigators beginning their careers. The goal of this award is to support an initial research project for an investigator with a superb research idea.
Her ongoing research includes utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques to identify biomarkers that may inform potential preventative and therapeutic strategies for age-related eye disease.
Welcome back Renita!